17 june: deadline to submit your presentation slides to sibdays@sib.swiss


Oral presentation are scheduled during the parallel sessions 1, 2 according to the schedule provided below.

Konzertsaal / Salle des congrès
Track B
Vereinssaal / Salle des sociétés
Parallel session 1
13:00 - 14:00
Genes and Genomes
Navigating the rapidly expanding space of Genes and Genomes
Session chairs: Maria Anisimova and David Francisco
Structural biology
Innovative tools to address bio-macromolecular structure and dynamics
Session chairs: Andrea Cavalli & Joana Pereira
Parallel session 2
14:00 - 15:00
Single cell biology
Biology through the lens of single-cell and spatial omics technologies
Session chairs: Mark D. Robinson and Aurélie Grabriel

Evolution and phylogeny
Evolutionary modelling with trees and beyond

Session chairs: Frederic Bastian and Nina Marchi


Track A
Konzertsaal / Salle des congrès
Track B
Vereinssaal / Salle des sociétés
Parallel session 3
09:30 - 10:30
Medicine and health
Personalised health and disease, from molecules to systems
Session chairs: Janna Hastings and Patrick Pedrioli
Ecology, environment and agriculture
Unraveling ecosystem complexity with bioinformatics
Session chairs: Germán Bonilla-Rosso & Catalina Chaparro Pedraza
Parallel session 4 
11:00 - 12:00
New methods and tools in bioinformatics 
Mathematical and computational approaches to solve biological problems    
Session chairs: Mark Ibberson & Sandra Mitrović
Proteins and proteomes, from data to knowledge
Session chairs: Frédérique Lisacek and Witold Wolski

Presentation slot and duration

All oral presentations will take place in the parallel sessions on 25 and 26 June. Information on your exact presentation slot can be found in the abstract notification email that was sent to you. If you have any doubts or need clarification, please check the conference agenda or contact solange.guye@sib.swiss

Duration: 15 minutes (12 minutes talk + 3 minutes Q&A).
Content: Introduce the scientific question, key results, future directions, and project challenges

Slide preparation and submission

Deadline: Monday 17 June

  • Aspect ratio: 16:9.
  • Formats: PowerPoint (.pptx) 
  • Design: Ensure slides are colour-blind friendly. For guidance, see sections [3-5] of the poster guidelines.
  • Email slides to sibdays@sib.swiss by Monday 17 June.
  • File naming: DATE_TIME_SURNAME (e.g., 25JUNE_1300-1400_MILLER).
  • For oral talks including videos, submit separate mp4 files named DATE_TIME_SURNAME_VIDEO-FILE-NAME (e.g., 25JUNE_1130-1200_MILLER_Video-1)

If you indicated that you will bring a poster too, please look at the Poster guidelines for more information on the poster format; a simple PowerPoint template for the virtual poster can be found in the Poster guidelines. Don’t forget to upload your poster by 16 JUNE.