Whether it is the scientific outline, the reviewing of abstracts, technical aspects or the organisation of the event itself, there are many people working behind the SIB days. Together, they have developed the programme for the SIB days conference allowing you to discover SIB's scientific diversity and its members!

The Scientific Committee Core Team (SCCT)

The SCCT plans and decides on the scientific content of the SIB days. It recruits and coordinates the session chairs. The team is composed of SIB Members:

Robert Waterhouse, chair (UNIL, Lausanne),
Group Leader, Evolutionary-Functional Genomics Group
Santiago Carmona (Ludwig Centre for Cancer Research/UNIL, Lausanne)
Group Leader, Cancer Systems Immunology
Patricia Palagi (SIB, Lausanne),
Head of Training
Franziska Singer (ETHZ/NEXUS, Basel)
Deputy Head Basel
Clinical Bioinformatics Unit
Etthel Windels (ETHZ/D-BSSE, Basel)

Computational Evolution                              

Session Chairs

The session chairs were selected to reflect the diversity of SIB members, covering the main axes of research, aiming for gender balance, including both Group Leaders and Postdoctoral Researchers, and bringing together members from different institutions.

Organizing Team

The SIB Days 2022 are organized by SIB Communications and Scientific Events Team.

  • Solange Guye (Scientific Events Manager)
  • Elsa Dubar (Communications Officer)

with the help of the rest of the team:

  • Marie Dangles (Director of Communications, People & Culture)
  • Maïa Berman (Team Lead Communications)
  • Sylvie Flegel (Communications Officer)
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