Diversity, equality and inclusion at the SIB days 2022

The SIB days are a time for all SIB Members to share their latest activities, and start new collaborations and friendships - freely and openly!

To provide an environment in which all attendees and presenters feel safe and respected, we thus remind all participants to:

  • Treat each other with respect, regardless of nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. There will be no tolerance for harassment or intimidation in any form (emails, social media, or in person) or use of potentially offensive images or language in presentations at the SIB days.

  • Pay attention when using social media! The use of Twitter and other social media is allowed during the event; however, presenters may ask during their presentation to not have their research project shared on social media. Please respect their decision and ask the presenter for permission to share if nothing is indicated.
    For presenters: If you do not wish to have your talk or poster shared, please make this clear on your poster or during the presentation. Here is a useful symbol:

  • Immediately report any incident or inappropriate behaviour you are witnessing or are involved in that goes against this Code of Conduct. Reports should be addressed to the organizers (sibdays@sib.swiss) who will loop-in relevant people such as SIB’s Diversity Working Group.

By bringing together scientists from all over Switzerland, the SIB days also allow promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion (see box). We have taken a number of actions to ensure that the event is open to all researchers independent of their nationality, career stage or gender and that equal opportunities are provided in our committees, among the speakers, and for participants at large:

  • Promoting diversity: The scientific committee strives to ensure a fair balance between female and male scientists, different career stages and origins among the keynote and invited speakers, session chairs - and presenters (i.e. from submitted abstracts).

  • Facilitating exchanges: Dedicated networking activities will be organized specifically to allow early career scientists to interact with and benefit from the expertise of invited speakers.

  • Childcare support: We will do our best to find a solution for participants with children, based on their needs. Rest rooms for expectant mothers and parents with infants are available at the conference centre. Please contact us for further information.

  • SIB will publish post-meeting statistics on attendees’ gender and backgrounds.

Your feedback on the various aspects of the conference, including diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity, will be sought in the post-conference survey: let us know your thoughts to help us improve future meetings!

Both as the ambassador of the Swiss bioinformatics community and as an employer, SIB has a critical role to play in ensuring and fostering diversity and equal opportunities in the scientific ecosystem as well as in the workplace. Equality has many facets, including national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. The institute is committed to enabling everyone to develop their potential and skills and to leveraging the diversity of profiles and backgrounds, among its members and employees, and at all events it organizes, by creating a culture of equality and inclusion. Respect is one of SIB’s core values and the institute has always strived to reflect these commitments in its organization and all its endeavours.

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