The session chairs were selected to reflect the diversity of SIB
members, covering the main axes of research, aiming for gender
balance, including both Group Leaders and Postdoctoral
Researchers, and bringing together members from different
Ecology, environment and agriculture: Natasha Glover
Guillem Salazar
- Evolution and phylogeny: Richard Neher and Ana Morales-Arce
- Systems biology: Enkelejda Miho and Daniele Tavernari
- New methods in bioinformatics: Patrick Ruch and Sarah Brüningk
- Medicine and health: Valérie Barbié and Giancarlo Croce
- Genes and genomes: Evgenia Kriventseva and Damian Szklarczyk
- Structural biology: Andrea Cavalli and Maria Marcaida Lopez
- Proteins and proteomes: Bernd Wollscheid and Fanny Krebs